eData Support

eData Help
Desk Support

24/7 Expert & Friendly Support

In an effort to assist our remote offices with building a technology go-to-market platform, eData Support offers round-the-clock end user help desk support through our advanced Solution Center, every day of the year. Calls are directed to proficient technicians via a NEC Voice Express ACD phone system. Our approach, based on consistent and efficient workflow procedures, is designed to enhance customer satisfaction. We ensure a prompt and courteous welcome to every customer and employ appropriate customer service expertise to provide a comfortable and reassuring experience throughout the call.

This service can be offered to every client as a flat rate or pay as you go service.

Help Desk Support Levels

Our Help Desk solution consists of the following:

  • User Password Resets
  • Printer Configurations
  • Break / Fix Escalation and Instructions
  • Ticket Routing and Escalation to Level 2 and Level 3 Support
  • Escalation to IT Applications Support and or call for outside vendor maintenance (Level 4), as needed.
Two workers talking on headsets and looking at computer screens

Level 0

Level 0 support comprises self-service solutions that enable users to access assistance without requiring the intervention of the Help Desk. These include features such as automated password resets, websites that allow users to request ITIL support, and knowledge base lookup. These tools empower users to address their own needs independently, without the involvement of a Help Desk technician.

A man at a desk with two computers showing code. Transparent overlay of computer code and graphics in front of the screen like they are hovering in front of it.

Level 1

Level 1 filters Help Desk calls and provides basic support and troubleshooting, such as password resets, printer configurations, break/fix instructions, ticket routing and escalation to Level 2 and Level 3 support. May also escalate to IT applications support or call for outside vendor maintenance (Level 4), as needed. A Level 1 tech gathers and analyzes information about the user’s issue and determines the best way to resolve their problem. Level 1 may also provide support for identified Level 2 and Level 3 issues where configuration solutions have already been documented.

A person wearing headphones at a desk, laughing

Level 2

Level 2 is generally reserved for desktop, laptop, and other user device support but it may also share work with Level 3. Level 2 generally handles break/fix, configuration issues, troubleshooting, software installations, hardware repair (including in-house repair or coordinating depot services). They handle escalated issues that Level 1 support is not equipped to handle. Level 2 will sometimes escalate to Level 3, depending on the issue and the way the Help Desk operates. Depending on the Help Desk organization, a Level 2 tech may either (1) be limited to only solving known issues and escalate new issues to Level 3; or (2) be authorized to research and implement fixes for new issues and only escalate to Level 3, if it is out of their skill set or ability to solve.

The view down a hall of a server facility

Level 3

Level 3 consists of troubleshooting, configuration, database administration, and repair for server, network, infrastructure, Data Center, email, file shares, and other infrastructure issues. Besides always having the ability to deploy solutions to new problems, a Level 3 tech usually has the most expertise in a company and is the go-to person for solving difficult issues.

Photo illustration of a hand on the touchpad of laptop, overlaid with a geometric web of lock icons

Level 4

Not a commonly used term. Level 4 refers to those people outside your organization that you can escalate issues to. This usually involve hardware and software vendors, such as vendor software support, printer and copier maintenance, heavy equipment maintenance, depot maintenance, etc. Level 4 support is contracted by an organization for specific services, but they are not part of the organization.

Not Sure What Your
Business Needs?

Schedule a free consultation with one of our experts to explore which of our help desk solutions would be the right fit for your business!